
Latest From Our Blog
From Everyday to High Science: 10 Applications of Lasers
February 23, 2022
From Everyday to High Science: 10 Applications of Lasers
One of the staples of the technology developed using optics and photonics research is lasers. From l

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Beyond Light Bulbs: 5 Non-Lighting Applications of LEDs
February 01, 2022
Beyond Light Bulbs: 5 Non-Lighting Applications of LEDs
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have quickly become a household name when it comes to lighting and illu

In: Industry News

7 Things That Wouldn’t Exist Without Optics & Photonics
January 18, 2022
7 Things That Wouldn’t Exist Without Optics & Photonics
When people think of the optics and photonics industry, the big, flashy discoveries are what most re

In: Industry News

Constructing a Beam Homogeniser Using a Micro Lens Array
December 29, 2021
Constructing a Beam Homogeniser Using a Micro Lens Array
Introduction Lenslet arrays are implemented in a large spectrum of optical systems. From CCD arrays

In: FRED Insights & Articles

Stray Light Analysis (Part 3)
December 08, 2021
Stray Light Analysis (Part 3)
Modelling stray light both correctly and efficiently requires making the most suitable choice from t

In: FRED Insights & Articles

Optimising Color Data in FRED
November 25, 2021
Optimising Color Data in FRED
Introduction In many real-world applications of products containing illumination systems, it is imp

In: FRED Insights & Articles

Modelling a Phase-Shifting Interferometer
November 19, 2021
Modelling a Phase-Shifting Interferometer
What is a Phase-Shifting Interferometer? If you have an optics system that requires certain surface

In: FRED Insights & Articles

The James Webb Space Telescope Is Ready For Launch: Here’s Everything You Need To Know
October 29, 2021
The James Webb Space Telescope Is Ready For Launch: Here’s Everything You Need To Know
After many years of research and development, NASA has announced that the James Webb Space Telescope

In: Industry News

Stray Light Analysis (Part 2)
October 19, 2021
Stray Light Analysis (Part 2)
In part one of our stray light blog we discussed some of the great tools FRED has to calculate and m

In: FRED Insights & Articles

Stray Light Analysis
June 14, 2021
Stray Light Analysis
Stray light is the presence of unintended (and generally unwanted) light paths in your optical syste

In: FRED Insights & Articles

Classic Physical Optics
April 07, 2021
Classic Physical Optics
FRED uses "Gaussian Beam Decomposition" for propagating coherent fields through optomechanical syste

In: Industry News

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