
Guide on how to make a laser source in FRED
Views: 355

Guide on how to make a laser source in FRED

The following guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough on creating a laser source using FRED. Follow next steps:

1. Starting a New Document:

  • Begin by selecting "New Document" to create a new project.

2. Configuring the Laser Source:

  • Right-click on the Optical Sources folder.
  • Choose "Create New Source Primitive" and select "Laser Beam".
  • Keep the default settings but change the color to red before clicking "OK".
  • View the laser in the 3D view.

3. Creating a Plane Element:

  • Right-click on the Geometry folder.
  • Choose "Create Element Primitive" and select "Plane".
  • Increase the X and Y semi-apertures to 2.
  • Right-click at the bottom, append, and apply a shift of 5 in the Z-direction before clicking "OK".
  • Select the "View All" button to see both the laser source and the plane in the 3D view.

4. Setting Up Analysis Surface:

  • Right-click on the Analysis Surface folder and select "New Analysis Surface".
  • Uncheck "Auto Size to Data" and set the min-max to 2 and the divisions to 51 by 51 before clicking "OK".
  • Open the surface of the plane and drag and drop the analysis surface onto it.
  • Confirm that it has been applied.

5. Running the Ray Trace:

  • Click on "Trace and Render" to execute the ray trace.
  • Observe the beams hitting the analysis plane and being stopped using the irradiance spread function.

6. Analyzing the Irradiance Profile:

  • View the irradiance profile of the laser beam.
  • Notice the primary focus in the middle with a slight intensity loss as it moves out.

7. Testing Laser Beam Behavior:

  • Move the analysis plane to about 5000 in the Z-direction and click "OK".
  • Rerun the ray trace and observe how the rays are still halted on the surface.
  • Note the widening of the radiance profile due to the Gaussian profile of the laser beam.

By following these steps, you'll be able to effectively create a laser source in FRED and analyze its behavior. Experiment with different configurations to further understand laser optics and beam properties. If you have more specific questions regarding this process, feel free to reach out to our support email for assistance.