Display Irradiance on any Surface Shape
FRED Version 18.61 Release
Photon Engineering has been hard at work expanding FRED’s capabilities to meet the increasingly demanding applications for which you use our optical engineering software and we are pleased to announce that a new development version is available for download.
Data Collector Surfaces
Geometry represented using the Faceted Surface construct (*.OBJ or *.STL file format specifications) can be specified to collect data dynamically during the raytrace for each triangle facet of the surface. This allows the incident (or absorbed) irradiance, power, ray density, or ray counts to be analyzed and displayed for arbitrary geometry shapes, providing an analysis capability that complements the analysis grid shapes supported by Analysis Surfaces and Detector Entities. This analysis is also supported in FREDmpc.

Polarization Gratings Diffraction Efficiency
The Full Efficiency Table specification for diffraction grating efficiencies has been extended to support power and phase efficiencies for S and P polarization states with S-P cross-coupling.

Optimiser improvements
A “variables” option has been added to the Output/Results tab of the Optimization Define/Edit dialog that will activate reporting of individual aberration information to the output window during optimization.
A “Compare before and after” option has been added to the Output/Results tab of the Optimization Define/Edit dialog that will activate reporting of variable values before and after optimization. A new “intrinsic” aberration value is also reported, which maps directly to the aberration values defined by the user in the Merit Function Aberrations tab. Previously, only the form of the aberration used internally for optimization was reported.
Directional Analysis Entities can now be used for defining optimization aberrations. Two supporting aberration types, “Intensity Peak to Valley” and “Intensity Variance”, have been added.
FREDmpc (GPU raytracing) Improvements
The Surface Incident/Absorbed Power analysis is now supported in FREDmpc.
A new 3D view rendering mode has been added that renders the system model in the 3D view using real-time GPU raytracing. This can be useful for visually assessing the GPU interpretation of the model. This can be accessed by selecting the “Toggle MPC Render Mode” option on the 3D View menu.
In addition to the major new improvements described above, this release contains additional smaller features and bug fixes. Please refer to the Release Notes found on the Help menu inside of FRED for a complete listing of all enhancements and defect resolutions.
Click here to download the latest version of FRED
Note: It may be necessary to restart your computer following installation of FRED 18.61.0 to ensure proper setup of the SafeNet drivers for your USB hardware key.
If you have any questions or encounter any problems with the installation, please call +353 (0)1 961 9457 or contact us for assistance.