FRED Software in Published Research

FRED has been instrumental in numerous optical system designs, as documented in several high-profile publications. Below is a curated list of research papers and articles highlighting FRED's application and impact in various fields. This list is based on information provided by our partner, Photon Engineering.

Key Photon Engineering Publications Featuring FRED Software

Mitigating Stray Light in Remote Sensing: Integrating Optomechanical Models with DIRSIG for Enhanced Radiometric Accuracy
Keegan S. McCoy, John P. Kerekes, Scott D. Brown, Adam A. Goodenough, Rolando V. Raqueño, Jared D. Van Cor, Ryan G. Irvin
Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 10743, Optical Modeling and Performance Predictions X; 1074304 (2018)
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Novel designs for minimizing diffraction effects of large segmented mirror telescopes
James E. Harvey, James B. Breckinridge, Ryan G Irvin, Richard N. Pfisterer
Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 10745, Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering XIX; 107450L (2018)
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Reducing Stray Light in Common Optical Systems
Rich Pfisterer
Photonics Spectra, August 2018.
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Using Optomechanical Raytrace Models for Optical Analysis in JWST OTIS Testing
Ryan Irvin, Scott O. Rohrbach, Lenward Seals, Dennis L. Skelton
Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 10698, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; 1069806 (2018)
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Reducing Diffraction Flares in Exoplanet Detection: A Parametric Analysis of the Pinwheel Pupil Segmented Mirror Design
James E. Harvey, Ryan G. Irvin, Karlton Crabtree, Richard N. Pfisterer, James B. Breckinridge
Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 10698, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave; 106981Q (2018)
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Design and Calibration of the MIGHTI Instrument for Thermospheric Wind and Temperature Measurement on NASA's ICON Mission
Christoph R. Englert, John M. Harlander,Charles M. Brown, Kenneth D. Marr, Ian J. Miller, J. Eloise Stump, Jed Hancock, James Q. Peterson, Jay Kumler, William H. Morrow, Thomas A. Mooney, Scott Ellis, Stephen B. Mende, Stewart E. Harris, Michael H. Stevens, Jonathan J. Makela, Brian J. Harding, Thomas J. Immel
Space Science Reviews, October 2017, Volume 212, Issue 1–2, pp 553–584.
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Integrated Stray Light Modeling for JWST: Solving Optical Challenges in ISIM and OSIM Cryo-Vacuum Testing
Scott O. Rohrbach, Ryan G. Irvin, Lenward T. Seals, Dennis L. Skelton
SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, San Diego, California, 2016.
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Modeling Physical Optics: Gaussian Beamlet Decomposition for Accurate Wave Propagation in Complex Optical Systems
James E. Harvey, Ryan Irvin, Richard N. Pfisterer
One of the top ten most downloaded papers from the Journal, Optical Engineering, in the 2015 calendar year!(Added note: Section 4.6 on scattered light characterization refers extensively to FRED.)
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International Light Simulation Symposium (ILISIS) - Systems Modeling of Vehicular Cameras
Ryan Irvin, John Koshel, Bernhard Dauner
Proceedings of the International Light Simulation Symposium (ILISIS), 2012.
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Practical Illumination Engineering: A Project-Based Course at the University of Arizona
R. John Koshel, Vineeth Abraham, Joshua Kim, Ron Liu, Scott Richardson, Soha Namnabat, Amber Czajkowski, Rania H. Abd El-Maksoud, Ryan Irvin, Takeshi Nakazawa, Michael Kudenov, Martha Dawsey, Erich de Leon, Lirong Wang, Karlton Crabtree, R. Michael Orr, Brian Primeau, Yullin Kim
SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, San Diego, California
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Highlighted Customer Publications Showcasing FRED Software

Optimizing Laser-Cooled Infrared Sensors: A Design Study of Optical Cryocoolers Using Ray-Tracing Techniques
Hehlen, Markus Peter; Boncher, William Lawrence; Love, Steven Paul
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information
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3D Ray Tracing Model for Analyzing Thermal Lensing Effects in Solid-State Laser Amplifiers
Phillip Lino Rall; Ramon Springer; Christoph Pflaum
SPIE Conference Proceeding, May 2018
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Structural Absorption in Super Black Bird of Paradise Feathers: The Role of Barbule Microstructures
Dakota E. McCoy, Teresa Feo, Todd Alan Harvey, Richard O. Prum
Nature Communications, 2018
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Mitigating Reflectivity Loss in CSP Mirrors: Optical Modeling and Electrodynamic Dust Removal for Enhanced Energy Yield
Jeremy Stark, Julius Yellowhair, John N. Hudelson, Mark Horenstein and Malay Mazumder
ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Paper No. ES2014-6506
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Immersion Graded Index Optics for Passive Solar Concentrators: Design, Fabrication, and Performance of Scalable Prototypes
Nina Vaidya, Olav Solgaard
Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, California
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Wearable Organic Optoelectronic Sensors for Medicine
Ashu K. Bansal, Shuoben Hou, Olena Kulyk, Eric M. Bowman, Ifor D. W. Samuel
University of St Andrews, Scotland
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Mechanics and optics of stretchable elastomeric microlens array for artificial compound eye camera
Zengwei Li, Jianliang Xiao
University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado
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Remote Optical Detection of Alpha Radiation
J. Sand, V. Hannuksela, S. Ihantola, K. Peräjärvi, H. Toivonen, and J. Toivonen
Tampere University of Technology, Optics Laboratory, Tampere, Finland STUK – Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Helsinki, Finland
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Image Analysis for the Automated Alignment of the Advanced Radiography Capability (ARC) Diagnostic Path
Randy Roberts , Abdul Awwal, Richard Leach, Michael Rushford, Erlan Bliss and Karl Wilhelmsen
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA
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Recent Progress in Wide-Field Imaging Interferometry
S. A. Rinehart , D. T. Leisawitz, M. R. Bolcar, K. M. Chaprnka, R. G. Lyon, S. F. Maher, N. Memarsadeghi, E. J. Sinukoff, E. Teichmand
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD Science Systems and Applications, Inc., Greenbelt MD McMaster University, Hamilton, ON University of Maryland, College Park, MD
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System Modeling of kJ-class Petawatt Lasers at LLNL
M. Y. Shverdin, M. Rushford, M. A. Henesian, C. Boley, C. Haefner, J. E. Heebner, J. K. Crane, C. W. Siders, C.P. Barty
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA
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Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope (ATLAST) -9.2m Design Study
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DLR VR-SCAN: A Versatile and Robust Miniaturized Laser Scanner for short range 3D-Modelling and Exploration in Robotics
Simon Kielhofer, Thomas Bahls, Franz Hacker, Tilo Wusthoff and Michael Suppa
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Fabrication and characterization of linear diffusers based on concave microlens arrays
Roland Bitterli, Toralf Scharf, Hans-Peter Herzig, Wilfried Noell, Nico de Rooij, Andreas Bich, Sylvain Roth, Kenneth J. Weible, Reinhard Voelkel, Maik Zimmermann, and Michael Schmidt
Ecole Politechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Ecole Politechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland; SUSS MicroOptics SA, Jaquet-Droz 7, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland; Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
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Calibration Services for Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY) Operations
Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2010 (October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010)
C. Johnson, NIST
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Optical characteristics of low concentration ratio solar collectors for façade applications
M Piratheepan and T N Anderson
Auckland University of Technology Auckland, New Zealand
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Design and Validation of a Low-cost High-flux Solar Simulator using Fresnel Lens Concentrators
W Wang, L Aichmayer, B Laumert, T Fransson
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
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Modulated-alignment dual-axis (MAD) confocal microscopy for deep optical sectioning in tissues
Steven Y. Leigh, Ye Chen, and Jonathan T.C. Liu
Stony Brook University (SUNY), Department of Biomedical Engineering, USA
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Novel Focusing Optics for IR Lasers
Gary Herrit, Alan Hedges, Herman Reedy
II-VI Incorporated; Saxonburg, PA, USA
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Optimized Photon Detection System for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy at NSCL: Design, Implementation, and Test Results
Schneider, A.; Minamisono, K.; Mantica, P. F.; Klose, A.; Johnson, B.
NSCL/Michigan State University
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Stray Light Testing of the OLI Telescope: Motion Control, Test Results, and Model Comparisons
Frank Grochocki, John Fleming
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., USA
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Cryogenic Metrology for the James Webb Space Telescope ISIM Alignment: Laser Radar Measurements Through a Chamber Window
T. Hadjimichael ; D. Kubalak ; A. Slotwinski ; P. Davila ; B. Eegholm ; W. Eichhorn ; J. Hayden ; E. Mentzell ; R. Ohl ; G. Scharfstein ; R. Telfer
NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (USA); Nikon Metrology, Inc. (USA); Sigma Space Corp. (USA); Flexure Engineering, LLC (USA); Orbital Sciences Corp. (USA)
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Polarization and Stray Light Management in the Design of the Portable Remote Imaging Spectrometer (PRISM)
B. Van Gorp ; P. Mouroulis ; D. Wilson ; K. Balasubramanian
Jet Propulsion Lab. (USA)
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Developing wide-field spatio-spectral interferometry for far-infrared space applications
David Leisawitz ; Matthew R. Bolcar ; Richard G. Lyon ; Stephen F. Maher ; Nargess Memarsadeghi ; Stephen A. Rinehart ; Evan J. Sinukoff
NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States)
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Developing the LSST Camera Instrument Model: Addressing Complex Parametric Challenges
D. Kirk K. Gilmore ; Steven Kahn ; Pat Hascall ; John Ku ; Paul O’Connor ; Andrew Rasmussen ; Vincent Riot ; Jack Singal
SLAC National Accelerator Lab., United States; Brookhaven National Lab., United States; Lawrence Livermore National Lab., United States
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Mathematical analysis of the static solar concentrator with cascading right-angle prisms
Allen Jong-Woei Whang, Yi-Lung Lai, Shu-Hua Yang, Chiung-Hui Lai, Huai-Yi Chen, Yi-Yung Chen & Shi-Chi Chen
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Physical Optics Modeling of the Interferometric Radius Measurement
Kate M. Medicus and Angela Davies
University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA
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Optimizing Grating-over-Lens Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems: Aberration Correction Using Volume Holographic Optical Elements
Juan M. Russo, Deming Zhang, Michael Gordon, Shelby D. Vorndran, Youchen Wu, Raymond K. Kostuk
The University of Arizona, USA
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Modeling Challenges and Solutions for EUVL Illumination Systems: Enhancing Efficiency in Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography
Daniel G. Smith
Nikon Research Corp. of America, USA
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Advancing Multiview 3D Displays: Multi-Directional Diffractive Backlight for Wide-Angle, Glasses-Free Imaging
David Fattal, Zhen Peng, Tho Tran, Sonny Vo, Marco Fiorentino, Jim Brug, Raymond G. Beausoleil
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, USA
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Algorithm for irradiance tailoring using multiple freeform optical surfaces
Axel Bäuerle, Adrien Bruneton, Rolf Wester, Jochen Stollenwerk, and Peter Loosen
Chair for the Technology of Optical Systems, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany; Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, Aachen, Germany
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Temperature-Controlled Optical Nerve Stimulation for Safe and Effective Prostate Cavernous Nerve Identification
Serhat Tozburun ; Thomas C. Hutchens ; Michael A. McClain ; Gwen A. Lagoda ; Arthur L. Burnett ; Nathaniel M. Fried
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina; Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Department of Urology, Baltimore, Maryland
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Endoscopic geometry inspection by modular fiber optic sensors with increased depth of focus
Christoph Ohrt ; Markus Kästner ; Eduard Reithmeier
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
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High-sensitivity, real-time, ratiometric imaging of surface-enhanced Raman scattering nanoparticles with a clinically translatable Raman endoscope device
Ellis Garai ; Steven Sensarn ; Cristina L. Zavaleta ; Dominique Van de Sompel ; Nathan O. Loewke ; Michael J. Mandella ; Sanjiv S. Gambhir ; Christopher H. Contag
Stanford University, Stanford, California
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Integral image rendering procedure for aberration correction and size measurement
Holger Sommer, Andreas Ihrig, Melanie Ebenau, Dirk Flühs, Bernhard Spaan, and Marion Eichmann
Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany; Universitätsklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany
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Adaptive Performance-Driven Sensing with a Multi-Object Spectrometer: Modeling and Demonstration
John P. Kerekes, Michael D. Presnar, Kenneth D. Fourspring, Zoran Ninkov, David R. Pogorzala, Alan D. Raisanen, Andrew C. Rice, Juan R. Vasquez, Jeffrey P. Patel, Robert T. MacIntyre, Scott D. Brown
Rochester Institute of Technology, USA; Numerica Corp., USA
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Optical Architecture Design for Detecting Absorbers Embedded in Visceral Fat: Comparative Analysis of System Configurations
Robert Francis, James Florence, and Duncan MacFarlane
Raytheon EO Innovations, Richardson, USA; University of Texas Dallas, Richardson, USA
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Correction of Autofluorescence Intensity for Epithelial Scattering Using Optical Coherence Tomography: A Phantom Study
H. Pahlevaninezhad ; A. M. D. Lee ; C. Hyun ; S. Lam ; C. MacAulay ; P. M. Lane
The BC Cancer Agency, Canada
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Enhancing Optical Contact for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging with Brush Optodes: A Novel Approach for Improved Performance
University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas; MRRA Inc., Euless, Texas; University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas; Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, Dallas, Texas; University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas
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Experimental and theoretical design of a near-field LIDAR telescope
Division of Combustion Physics, Lund University; Bachelors Thesis, Linus Frantzich
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